jake levine

Jake Levine has written and translated or co-translated over a dozen books. They include collections of poems by Kim Kyung Ju, Kim Minjeong, Kim Haengsook, Hwang Yuwon, Seo Daekyung, Ha Jaeyon, and more. His co-translation of Kim Yideum’s Hysteria (Action Books, 2019) was a finalist for the Sarah Maguire prize and the first book to be awarded both the National Translation Award and the Lucien Stryk Prize. His latest full-length book of poetry, The Imagined Country is out with Tolsun Books. He is a former Fulbright Fellow (to Lithuania in 2010), a recipient of a Korean Government Scholarship, served as an assistant editor at Acta Koreana, as a poetry editor at Spork Press, and as the managing editor and editor-in-chief at Sonora Review. He founded and currently edits the award-winning contemporary Korean poetry series, Moon Country, at Black Ocean. His work has appeared in many publications, including Granta, The New York Times, Boston Review, Gulf Coast, Asymptote, etc… He has also translated other cultural content, including the artist Yun Hyong-Keun’s diaries, narration for the K-pop group ENHYPEN, and children’s stories. He lives in Daegu, South Korea where he is a professor of creative writing at Keimyung University.

제이크 레빈

제이크 레빈은 대한민국 대구광역시 계명대학교 문예창작학과 교수이다. 그는 12권 이상의 책을 저술, 공저, 번역, 공동번역했으며 블랙오션의 달나라 한국시 시리즈의 시리즈 편집자로 일하고 있다. 그는 풀브라이트 Fulbright Fellow, 한국 정부 장학금 수혜자였으며, 애리조나 대학교에서 Hattie Lockett Prize과 Johnnie Raye Harper Teaching Award을 모두 수상했으며, National Translation Award와 Lucien Stryk Prize을 공동 수상했다. 그는 애리조나 주 투손 출신이라고 말하곤 했지만, 지난 14년 동안 리투아니아와 한국에서 살았고, 지금은 어디에 속해 있는지 확신할 수 없다. 그는 영어와 한국어로 시를 쓰고 한국 현대 시를 영어로 번역한다.